Geekers' C9 Photos

A word from our sponsors... :P

The following were taken by geekers (unless she is in them, duh) and are copyrighted by her. Please feel free to use them on your site if you are in them or envy/lust after/whatever the people in them. I ask that you don't directly post the images and use up bandwidth, but instead to use common sense; save and re-upload to your own server prior to linking (thank you). I would appreciate a link to the gallery if possible, but at the very least a mention of my name whereever you may be posting these pictures.

Ah yes, and this gallery has been created with the aid of adobe as thee geekers got too tired after scanning in these 81 photos. Perhaps she will take the time to fix up the gallery some on another day.

Until then, and with that said... on with the show!

** Images I took on film (81 in gallery) **

** Images others took of me (24 in gallery) **

P.S. Please help me out with any missing names in the captions if you can.

Convergence 9 Photo Webring


